Do you want to build a playground?
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It’s a fact that play in nature is essential for children’s physical, cognitive, emotional and social development. We are passionately advocating for nature play in urban areas, while incorporating our innovative sensory arts programming, designed to nurture each child’s growth.
This is what prompted us to create an outdoor classroom and Nature Playground, the centerpiece of community building at our Bucktown location, with free arts, nature and inquiry-based programs held there weekly through non-profit Whole Child Arts.
We are raising $100,000 to support the build of the nature playground and launch weekly free arts programming in the playground for the greater community. You can contribute via:
– Direct donations of any amount
– Reserving a painted tile
– Reserving a mosaic stepping stone
– Company sponsorships
– Play structure dedications
Thank you to our donors!
Jaclyn Rassner
Thank you so much for joining our Community of Practice Natalie! We so appreciate you and our … Read more
Thank you so much for joining our Community of Practice Natalie! We so appreciate you and our partnership!
Christine Dwyer
Erin Hull
Thank you for all you do!!
Amanda Ward
Drew Floyd
John Gilbert
Colleen Feigenwinter
BlackEdge Capital
Daniel Ronco
rebecca brashler
Each year our family donates to organizations in memory of my late husband, Thomas Brashler. This year Sam and Ali Brashler wanted to include Bubbles … Read more
Each year our family donates to organizations in memory of my late husband, Thomas Brashler. This year Sam and Ali Brashler wanted to include Bubbles Academy in that gift and Natalie Monterastelli directed us to this website. Tom would have been thrilled to watch his granddaughter, Odette, play and grow in your programs. The entire family hopes this donation will allow you to spread your good work to children who might otherwise not be able to participate.